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Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens)

Image Product Name
Detail Image Premarin (Conjugated Estrogen) - 0.3mg (28 Tablets) Premarin (Conjugated Estrogen) - 0.3mg (28 Tablets)

£21.07 ( Buy Now ! )    |    Qty :   |   

( Free shipping on combined orders totaling £50+ )

Detail Image Premarin (Conjugated Estrogen) - 0.625mg (28 Tablets) Premarin (Conjugated Estrogen) - 0.625mg (28 Tablets)

£24.47 ( Buy Now ! )    |    Qty :   |   

( Free shipping on combined orders totaling £50+ )

Detail Image Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens) - 0.3mg (28 Tablets) Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens) - 0.3mg (28 Tablets)

£25.14 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

Detail Image Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens) - 0.625mg (28 Tablets) Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens) - 0.625mg (28 Tablets)

£25.81 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

Active Ingredient(s)

Estrogens, Oestrogens


Wyeth Ayerst

Country of Origin

New Zealand



What is Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens) used for?

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) is a hormonal supplement prescribed to women going through menopause. The medication operates by supplementing dwindling levels of natural estrogen to alleviate associated symptoms such as vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, hot flashes, or difficulty sleeping. It may also be used as a supplement to prevent osteoporosis.

How should I use Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens)?

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) should always be used strictly according to the instructions provided by your doctor to ensure the safest and most effective results from treatment. The normal dosage is one tablet, but your frequency of administration will depend entirely on your age, weight, health condition, the condition being treated, and the severity of your symptoms. These should be swallowed with a full cup of water and may be taken with or without food, although a meal or snack is recommended before use if you get an upset stomach. Do not chew, split, or crush the tablets before use to avoid unintentionally destroying or altering the effects of their contents. Ask your pharmacist or doctor any questions you have about the medicine to ensure the correct usage.

What are the side effects of Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens)?

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) may lead to side effects in some patients such as:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or drowsiness
  • Gassiness or bloating
  • Mild nausea or vomiting
  • Freckles or darkening of the facial skin
  • Unusual changes in weight
  • Increased hair growth
  • Tenderness or swelling of the breast area
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Disrupted menstrual periods
  • Vaginal irritation or discharge

Stop using the medication and contact your doctor as soon as possible if any serious side effects occur including migraines, chest pain, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, severe stomach pain, confusion, unusual swelling of the extremities, a lump appearing in the breast, or jaundice. These conditions may require lower doses, reduced application frequency, or emergency medical attention in serious cases to prevent further health problems from occurring.

Please Note

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) should not be used by patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who have suspected or known breast cancer, unexplained vaginal bleeding, recent heart attack, recent stroke, angina, endometrial hyperplasia, thrombosis, porphyrias, or a history of liver or kidney disease. It is also important to tell your doctor about any other conditions you have that may cause complications with your treatment including history of uterine fibroids, diabetes, migraines, asthma, epilepsy, gallstones, obesity, smokers, high levels of triglycerides, cardiac conditions, history of embolism, endometriosis, benign breast lumps, history of breast cancer, a recent miscarriage, or reduced liver or kidney function. These may require reduced doses or other adjustment to prevent potential health problems from occurring.

Strictly use Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) as prescribed and follow all instructions provided by your doctor. Safe, suitable, and optimum dosage can vary and is dependent on the patient`s health and medical history, as well as the condition you are treating.

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogen) may not be safe or suitable for all patients. Always ensure your doctor is informed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, using any other type of medication (including non-prescription medicine, vitamins, and supplements), as well as if you have any allergies, other illnesses, or pre-existing medication conditions.

Seek immediate medical attention or proceed to your nearest accident and emergency department if you suffer a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. Symptoms usually present during a reaction of this nature include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the limbs or face, tight chest, hives, and skin rashes.

Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens)
Premarin (Conjugated Oestrogens)