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Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol)

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Detail Image Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) - 0.6mg/g (80g) Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) - 0.6mg/g (80g)

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What is Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) used for?

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) is a topical hormone used to treat women suffering from symptoms associated with menopause. The medication operates by raising reduced hormone levels to restore their normal balance. This action can reduce the severity of or prevent symptoms such as hot flashes, palpitations, headaches, lost of interest in sex, or vaginal dryness. Your doctor may prescribe this medicine to be used along with others or for the treatment of other unlisted conditions.

How should I use Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol)?

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) should be used according to the instructions provided by your doctor to get the safest and most effective results from treatment. Most patients are directed to apply 2.5g once each day to a broad unbroken area of skin such as the shoulders. The best instructions will be determined by your age, weight, health condition, and the severity of your symptoms. To administer the dose gently wipe and dry the area using a moist cloth to clear any dirt or debris, use the included measuring device to gather the correct dosage, apply it to the area, and gently massage it into the skin until it is absorbed. Wash your hands using soap and water after each application to prevent the medicine from contacting any other areas not being treated or your mucous membranes. Always ask your doctor any questions you have about the medicine to ensure the correct usage.

What are the side effects of Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol)?

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) may cause side effects in some patients such as:

  • Slight headache
  • Mild nausea
  • Upset stomach or diarrhoea
  • Unusual weight changes
  • Mild joint or bone pain
  • Increased acne
  • Breast tenderness, swelling, or pain
  • Vaginal irritation or dryness

Stop using the medication and contact your doctor as soon as possible if any intense or serious side effects occur such as severe breast or chest pain, fever, flu symptoms, vomiting, intense diarrhoea, depression symptoms, unusual swelling, darkened urine, discoloured stools, jaundice, or a lump appearing in the breast. These conditions may require lower doses, reduced frequency of administration, or immediate medical attention in serious cases to prevent further health complications from occurring.

Please Note

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) is only meant to treat women and should not be used by men. This medication should not be used by patients who are pregnant, suspected to be pregnant, breastfeeding, who have had a bad reaction to similar treatments, or who have a history of breast cancer, a history of endometrial cancer, history of blood clots, unexplained vaginal bleeding, porphyrias, a history of strokes, heart attacks, angina, liver disease, or severely reduced liver function. Also inform your doctor if you have obesity, heart failure, a history of gallstones, history of migraines, history of asthma, history of epilepsy, varicose veins, hypertension, history of diabetes, family history of blood clots, history of endometriosis, history of benign breast lumps, systemic lupus, recurrent miscarriage, or reduced liver or kidney function. These conditions may lead to unexpected health problems requiring alterations to your regiment.

Strictly use Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) as prescribed and follow all instructions provided by your doctor. Safe, suitable, and optimum dosage can vary and is dependent on the patient`s health and medical history, as well as the condition you are treating.

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) may not be safe or suitable for all patients. Always ensure your doctor is informed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, using any other type of medication (including non-prescription medicine, vitamins, and supplements), as well as if you have any allergies, other illnesses, or pre-existing medication conditions.

Seek immediate medical attention or proceed to your nearest accident and emergency department if you suffer a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. Symptoms usually present during a reaction of this nature include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the limbs or face, tight chest, hives, and skin rashes.

Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol)
Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) - 0.6mg/g (80g)1
Gynokadin Dosiergel (Estradiol) - 0.6mg/g (80g)2