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Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil)

Image Product Name
Detail Image Caverject Impulse Injection (Alprostadil) - 10mcg (2 Syringes) Caverject Impulse Injection (Alprostadil) - 10mcg (2 Syringes)

£79.69 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

Detail Image Caverject Impulse Injection (Alprostadil) - 20mcg (2 Syringes) Caverject Impulse Injection (Alprostadil) - 20mcg (2 Syringes)

£124.42 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

Active Ingredient(s)



Pfizer Inc.

Country of Origin

New Zealand



What is Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) used for?

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) is an injectable medication used to treat men with erectile dysfunction. The medication relaxes blood vessels and muscles in the penis to allow easier blood flow making it easier to attain and maintain an erection when accompanied with sexual stimulation. Your doctor may also recommend its use for the treatment of other unlisted conditions.

How should I use Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil)?

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) should always be used strictly according to your doctor`s instructions and those included with the packaging to get the safest and most effective results from treatment. The correct dosage will be determined by your doctor based on your weight, age, and health condition. The medication should be injected just before expected sexual activity. Before administering the medication it is necessary to sterilize the syringe and injection site. Remove the syringe from the package, attach the needle to the syringe, and collect the correct amount of medication. Remove any air from the syringe by holding it upright, tapping it lightly, and pressing the plunger until a small amount of medication emerges. The injection is then performed by inserting the needle into the corpus callosum along the side of the penis and slowly pressing the plunger to administer the medicine. The needle should then be cleaned and stored with the medication. For full details about performing of the injection, refer to this guide.

What are the side effects of Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil)?

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) may cause side effects in some patients including:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or drowsiness
  • Cough, sore throat, or cold symptoms
  • Back or muscle pain
  • Mild or dull pain in the penis, urethra, or testicles
  • Itching, warmth, or numbness of the penis
  • Unusual discharge from the penis
  • Rashes appearing on the penis

Serious side effects that may require emergency medical attention are faintness, urinary retention, blood appearing in the urine, severe pain or bleeding from the injection site, severe pain or rashes affecting the penis, redness or unusual curving of the penis, or a painful erection lasting longer than four hours. Tell your doctor as soon as you experience any worrying symptoms to make sure the necessary adjustments are made to your dosage to stop further health complications from occurring.

Please Note

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) should not be administered to women, children, or to men who have a physical abnormality of the penis, an implant in the penis, sickle cell anaemia, bone marrow cancer, leukaemia, or an increased risk of priapism. Also inform your doctor if you have a history of psychiatric illness, a history of drug use or dependence, heart disease, heart failure, clotting disorders, risk of temporary strokes, or lung disease. These conditions may lead to unexpected health problems requiring special adjustments to your regimen.

Strictly use Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) as prescribed and follow all instructions provided by your doctor. Safe, suitable, and optimum dosage can vary and is dependent on the patient`s health and medical history, as well as the condition you are treating.

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil) may not be safe or suitable for all patients. Always ensure your doctor is informed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, using any other type of medication (including non-prescription medicine, vitamins, and supplements), as well as if you have any allergies, other illnesses, or pre-existing medication conditions.

Seek immediate medical attention or proceed to your nearest accident and emergency department if you suffer a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. Symptoms usually present during a reaction of this nature include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the limbs or face, tight chest, hives, and skin rashes.

Further Information

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil)is sold as a complete kit with 1 x 0.3mm x 13mm injecting needle.

Caverject Impulse (Alprostadil)