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Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir)

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Detail Image Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (15 Tablets) Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (15 Tablets)

£452.75 ( Free Shipping ! )    |    Qty :   |   

Detail Image Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets) Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)

£545.99 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

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What is Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) used for?

Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) is classified as an anti-viral medication in the class of nucleotide analog inhibitor. In most patients, it can help with recovery of the liver after Hepatitis C infection. It can also help the immune system to improve after Hepatitis C infection.

The most common use of Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) is for the treatment after a patient has contracted Hepatitis C. It is not used alone - it is typically used in conjunction with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. It can be used to treat Hepatitus C genotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

How should I use Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir)?

Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) is usually taken 12 weeks along with the other combination medicines to treat Hepatitus C. All medications will need to be taken daily and it is recommended that they are take at the same time each day. Some of the common side effects can be reduced by planning when to take sofosbuvir. To reduce the risk of insomnia and nausea, it can be taken early in the dy and taken with food or on a full sotmach.

The most common dosage is 400mg, however your doctor will advise you an exact dose to take. Your dosage may need to vary slightly over the course of your treatment depending upon how well you are responding and if you are experiencing any difficulties.

What are the side effects of Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir)?

The two most common side effects of Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) are nausea and insomnia. As mentioned above, these can be partly reduced by taking the tablet with food and taking it in the morning.

Sofosbuvir can reduce your normal red blood cell count. Your doctor may perform routine testing to check the levels aren`t unsafe.

Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) can adversely affect the liver. If you have had any liver problems, you may need to discuss an alternative form of treatment with your doctor. Regular liver function tests are important when taking a medicine like sufosbuvir.

Please Note

Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir) is very rarely to be taken alone. It works in combination with other medicines (pegylated interferon and ribavirin) for best results.

Make sure you tell your doctor if you are pregnant as taking this medication can result in birth defects or death of the fetus. It is important to use two forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy while taking this medication and for 6 months after treatment ends.

If diarrhea occurs, make sure you take precautions to prevent dehydration. If you continue to have this particular side effect you need to let your doctor know. If you experience changes to your breathing or heart rate make sure you seek immediate medical attention.

Tell your doctor of any medications you take. This should include any over the counter and herbal items. St. John`s Wort in particular is one product that doesn`t interact well with Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir).

Hepcvir (Sofosbuvir)