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Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate)

Image Product Name
Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) - 1mg (20 Tablets)

£5.75 | * Out of Stock,please contact us for availability

Active Ingredient(s)

Clemastine Fumarate



Country of Origin




What is Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) used for?

Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) belongs to the group of H1-histamine-blockers and has an antipruritic, antihistamine and anti-allergic effect. The drug is used for such pathologies as allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, atopic and contact dermatitis, hay fever, eczema hay fever, urticaria, unspecified allergy, as well as for bites by non-toxic insects.

Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) blocks histamine H1 receptors. It prevents the development of vasodilation and contraction of smooth muscles induced by histamine. Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) reduces capillary permeability, inhibits exudation and the formation of edema, reduces itching. It blocks cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, has a moderate sedative effect, and exhibits local anesthetic activity.

How should I use Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate)?

Always follow your doctor`s instructions when using Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) to get the safest and most effective results from treatment. The drug is intended for oral use. Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) is taken before meals; it must be washed down with water. The standard dose for adults and children over 12 years old is 1 mg (1 tablet) 2 times a day (morning and evening); in cases difficult to treat, the daily dose can be up to 6 tablets (6 mg). The dose is selected individually, depending on the underlying disease, comorbidities and laboratory results.

The total duration of therapy should be selected individually by the doctor.

What are the side effects of Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate)?

The use of Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) may cause side effects in some patients including:

  • sedative effect
  • weakness, fatigue, lethargy
  • headache, dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • nausea
  • dry mouth
  • gastric discomfort
  • hypotension (more often in older people)
  • palpitations, tachycardia
  • photosensitivity

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any serious or worrying symptoms.

Please Note

When taking Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate), it is necessary to carefully monitor children and elderly patients (they have an increased sensitivity to antihistamines).

For the period of treatment with Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate), you should stop drinking alcohol.

At the beginning of treatment, Tavegyl (Clemastine Fumarate) should not be used during work for drivers of vehicles and people whose profession is associated with increased concentration of attention; further - the degree of restriction is determined by the individual tolerance of the drug.